Monday, February 21, 2011


One of the most treasured hand-me-downs from my father's things was this book -- The Devotions of Bishop Andrewes. Vol. I by Lancelot Andrewes.  He was a well known Anglican churchman in his time (1555-1626) and had a hand in translating the first King James Bible in 1611.  This is a snipet from his Morning Prayer confession.
 And Thou, my Saviour Christ,
Christ my Saviour,
Saviour of sinners, of whom I am chief,
despise me not,
despise me not, O Lord,
despise not the cost of Thy blood,
who am called by Thy Name;
but look on me with those eyes
with which Thou didst look upon
Magdalene at the feast,
Peter in the hall,
the thief on the wood;—
that with the thief I may entreat Thee humbly,
Remember me, Lord, in Thy kingdom;
that with Peter I may bitterly weep and say,
O that mine eyes were a fountain of tears
that I might weep day and night;
that with Magdalene, I may hear Thee say,
Thy sins be forgiven thee,
and with her may love much,
for many sins yea manifold
have been forgiven me.
And Thou, All-holy, Good, and
Life-giving Spirit,
despise me not, Thy breath, 

despise not Thine own holy things;
but turn Thee again, O Lord,
at the last,
and be gracious unto Thy servant.

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