Rejoice always; pray unceasingly; in everything give thanks, for this is [the] will of God in Christ Jesus towards you; -- I Thess. 5:16-19 (Darby)
Behavioral advice for Christians is frequent and so simple in scripture. So, why is it that this simplicity is so rarely seen in action? I mean really! How difficult is it to rejoice always, pray unceasingly and give thanks? Yet, the opposite seems almost the more universal experience: always finding fault, whining unceasingly, and wishing for what we don't have. Do you ever weary of your own negativity? Do you ever have moments of seeing yourself in some metaphysical mirror and think, "Jeepers, I see why people around me seem backed away. I am a gifted, whiny critic."
I wish for your Advent that you can spend some brief moments seeing yourself in the mirror as God sees you. I pray that in the back light of this mirror you also can see the person God created you to be and desires you to be so much so that it was worth God becoming human for your sake. God made Himself an Incarnate human being not simply out of some broad disconnected plan for eternity, but because it was that important to God to partake of human life; to partake of your life and to love and lift you up into God's eternal grace and everlasting home. Preparing for the reality of this Incarnation of Christ should be cause enough for eternal rejoicing, unceasing prayer, and giving thanks for everything.
Dearest Lord, we give over our complaining and negativity and simply say, 'thank you' for everything you give us, for everything you think ahead for us, for everything forgiven in our lives. Amen
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