Be ye therefore imitators of God, as beloved children, -- Ephesians 5:1 (Darby Translation, published 1890)
When I was a young boy I had a small peddle car. I drove it all around the driveway and sidewalk pretending to drive like I had seen my dad do. We each grow and learn by watching and trying to duplicate what we see our parents or adults do.
This verse is a bold proclamation. It is a bold presumption that we know enough of who God is and what God does that we can actually imitate Him. We're beloved children and have a parent we call Father. We can imitate the love He has for us. We have to want to love as God loves. We have to believe that we can love as God loves. But, I'm doubtful that the Apostle Paul would issue an order for us to do something that could not be done. Believing we can imitate God's love is the largest hurdle. Once that hurdle is jumped then we can set about proving it. How do you want to go about proving it? How have you been loved in Christ? How can that be demonstrated to one other person today?
Heavenly Father, you have claimed us as your beloved children. Help us to be imitators of Your love, showing the world the power of your Presence with us. Amen.
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