I exhort therefore, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings, be made for all men; for kings and all that are in high place; that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and gravity. -- I Timothy 2:1-2 (American Standard)
On a day after the elections in the United States, I have heard and seen multitudes celebrating the wins of their candidates, as well as masses crying for the losses. (Both of these responses bother me. After all, is not God fully in charge?) Today is a new day. The Apostle Paul gives some good advice for this new day. With deepest humility we should take frequent timeouts to pause and use it for a prayer break. There is much to be grateful for in a nation so abundantly blessed. There are plenty of problems the nation faces which need intercessions. There are plenty of leaders (new and old) who need our supplications and prayers. This verse affirms what the reward for our prayer is. After all the turmoil of the past couple months in our national life, the words: "tranquil" and "quiet life" sound especially good. Are you ready for some calm and tranquility? Then put aside whether "you" won or lost in your votes and simply pray for them; pray for them ALL. The losers have as much to contribute as the winners, and without a solid ground encircled by God's gravity and centering we will devolve into bickering, upset and increased trouble. The nation does not need self-centered interests, animosity, and arguments as much as it needs the godliness and quiet life that true and regular prayer will bring.
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